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THE THIRD NNAQH CONFERENCE: Activating the Queer Archive, October 18-19

Register for the conference here no later than September 30!!!

The conference is the third out of three conferences (2023-2024) in the Nordic and Baltic countries arranged by the project Nordic network for queer history archives and activities and funded by theNordic Council of MinistersThe conference ACTIVATING THE QUEER ARCHIVE is organised by QRAB.
The conference is free of charge.

Friday 18 October 
Reception 6.00-9 p.m. 
QRAB extend an invitation to early conference arrivals and NNAQH members for a reception with beverages and snacks (vegan).
At the reception queer archives and museums respectively, situated in Sweden, will present themselves in a pop-up exhibition. 
Venue: Gothenburg City Museum, Norra Hamngatan 12.

Saturday 19 October 
The Conference starts 9.00-4.30 a.m., doors open 8.30.

The Nordic Network for Queer History Archives and Activities (Nnaqh) invites archivists, museum workers, queer and history scholars, activists and other people interested in queer history to the third conference where we from different angles and depths will explore what activating the archive means. What are the meanings of a queer archive and for whom? Or is the queer archive a negation?
Venue: Allégården, Södra Allégatan 4, Gothenburg.

SAQMI will be present during the conference + Cherry Pic #6 on Thursday 17th and a queer bar ‘Night cap’ on Saturday October 19th

Be There! Be Queer!

Find more information and updates here.

Do you want to help us during the conference? 
Please contact: QRAB/Mia: or SAQMI/Anna:

Image: Gothenburg. (From Shutterstock)